Fundamental Month to Month
In-Store Only
Our Fundamental Coaching package provides a great overall program for a wide range of triathletes. The details of the package is fully explained below. This package has no commmitment and will be autobilled each month from your account. The monthly billing is $205 per month + a one-time $89 set-up fee.
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- $89 set-up fee
- 30-Day money-back guarantee*
- Once a week data analysis
- Monthly Custom Workouts
- Twice a month Training Plan Adjustments
- Weekly Athlete initiated communication via phone/text/e-mail
- 24 hr response time**
- Race Day Fueling Strategy
- Race Day Racing Strategy
- Basic Nutrition Guidance
- 10% off any other services
- Discounts through our sponsors
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Fundamental Month to Month

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